Military Hospital Rd, Rawalpindi
Military Hospital Rd, Rawalpindi
Emergency reception team is headed by a consultant cardiologist who is the specialist in charge. He is over all in charge of emergency department. He carries out daily morning and evening rounds and helps the junior doctors in diagnosing and managing patients. Our team further constitutes duty medical officer, resident cardiologist and trainees who mainly manage patients in ER. These young doctors are motivated and duty bound to see the patient thoroughly assess them and inform the senior doctor especially in case of critical patients. These doctors are ACLS trained who are proficient in handling cardiac emergencies.
Our Nursing staff is a highly trained & experienced that is dedicated and motivated in providing quality emergency services.
Our hospital is now equipped with HMIS which helps save and retrieve data regarding patient admission and discharge. It also helps to order lab investigations and medications on daily basis.
Primary PCI:
AFIC/NIHD is striving to maintain its high standard In providing quality health care. We have also started managing and doing triage of patients suffering from Myocarclial infarction and carrying out primary PCI during last year. We try our level best to keep Door to Balloon time to a minimum of <90 minutes.