

[email protected]


Military Hospital Rd, Rawalpindi


History of ETT (Exercise Tolerance Test) department at AFIC/NIHD dates back to the history of the institute itself. The department started functioning in 1978, with one Quinton ETT machine, employing motor driven treadmills. Over the past more than three decades, the department has evolved into a modern setup, befitting of a centre of excellence in cardiology and is equipped with _6  top of the line ETT machine systems, housed at various locations within the institute to cater to the requirements of indoor and outdoor patients. Main setup of the department is located at the ground floor of the new OPD Block, with two machines installed at the ground floor of the main AFIC/NIHD building.

 The department has had the honour of providing training and valuable experience to postgraduates and undergraduates in Cardiology and Medicine, attached for rotational training, many of whom are now consultants serving in this institute and other centres, all over the country and abroad.

 Generally increased patient numbers have led to progressively increasing patient volume over the years. With steps at capacity building, the department has incorporated fresh skilled entrants and latest, state of the art equipment. The department performed around 23000 exercise stress studies in 2019, with the majority being entitled personnel and their dependents.

The department offers its services to both indoor and outdoor patients of the entitled and non-entitled categories. Entitled patients include Armed Forces personnel and their dependents and referred Federal Government employees and their families. Non-entitled categories include patients referred by in-house consultants and those referred by consultants practicing in other hospitals. These include patients granted free concession/ or concessional fee rates (like those funded by Fauji Foundation, or being supported from Zakat and Bait-ul-Mal heads). Patient safety remains a prime consideration and the departmental staff follows the recommendations of relevant international guidelines in letter and spirit. All technical staff is BCLS qualified.

The department is capable of performing the following tests:-

a.       Exercise tolerance test with Bruce protocol and modified Bruce protocol.

b.       Sub-maximal exercise tolerance test, for patients so advised.

c.       Exercise tolerance test, employing other standard international protocols.

Of these the first two categories are regularly performed.

The department performs exercise stress tests, around 90-120 per day, by appointment, 5 days a week. Emergent requests are accommodated within 1-2 hours, with the report issued within another 30 minutes. Routine working hours are two shift  from 8  to 3 pm, 3:30pm to 8:30pm,  Monday through Friday, with non-entitled patients entertained till the time of availability of the treating consultant. Facilities are not routinely available over the weekend and on gazetted / public holidays but emergencies are entertained, as and when required.


+92-51-9271002 extension 3088.


Physician’s advice and all relevant documents need to be presented for an ETT appointment to decide about the protocol for the test and to give instructions for optimum patient preparation for the test. Beta blockers and certain other medicines may need to be discontinued 12-24 hours before the test. It is advisable to refer to the advising / treating consultant for instructions about preparation for the test. 2-D-echo, if advised with ETT, is generally performed before the stress test, unless otherwise instructed by the advising / treating consultant.

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